MS Edge and Its Less-Distraction Features

By: downloadmsoffice Admin

For any computer user, a web browser is really necessary. And when Windows 10 came out, Microsoft Edge seemed to have offered something refreshing to the users especially to those who were working with Internet Explorer for the longest time. If a browser is efficiently functioning, it means a happy internet user. What more could we have if our browser is not only fast, but also has features which are well-thought of?


The no-nonsense, direct approach you have on Microsoft Edge makes an internet user get ready for an objective internet browsing. Look up what you need to find and search either through topics or directly to the specific websites. You can do this at the top part of the browser (the address bar slash search bar).


The reading view feature of the browser is one of its kind. It removes any clutter brought about by the web advertisers and makes the user focus on the actual content of the material. This is really useful for students, educators and most likely to people on the go who wanted to get a quick glimpse of the news. You can access the reading view by clicking on the book icon at the far right side of Microsoft Edge's search bar.


Another good feature incorporated into the browser is the functionality to make etches and sketches on the webpage. You can highlight words on the browser just like having a book and a marker. We've never had this before and you can just click on the "paper and a pencil" icon found at the top right side of the browser. Upon clicking, it will open a menu bar which allows you to choose what mark you'd like to leave on the webpage.


You can also take a screenshot of your edits by using a "snipping tool - like" functionality on the same menu accessed. This one is really familiar to the Windows 7 users. The diskette icon on the top right of the purple field allows you to save the edits you've made, and the next icon after it makes you share your masterpiece on social media (like Facebook & Twitter).


What most users also really like about Edge is its Hub that can be accessed at the top right side of the browser, just in line with the Reading View and Favorites icons respectively. It gives you access to your marked sites, reading lists, downloads, etc. without taking you elsewhere; you remain on your current webpage while taking a peek on other things and this really minimizes the distraction.


MS Edge is such a great leap from the Internet Explorer and we're looking forward for the developments that can happen since the browser has plugins that can be installed into it- one key resident feature of Firefox and Chrome. You are sure to get these updates first from your helpful support team in!

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